News - Mr McCance
2022/2023 School Year
24th May 2023
We have been learning about the Vikings. We used our ICT skills to turn ourselves...
14th May 2023
All children were able to enjoy a free break and free lunch today as part of our...
14th May 2023
All our classes enjoyed decorating for the Coronation celebrations.
9th May 2023
Year 6 had a brilliant week, celebrating King Charles’ Coronation!
28th Apr 2023
Check out our Star Pupils for the month of March. Well done to all!!
- All
- Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
- Digital Leaders
- Eco Council
- Homepage
- Librarians
- Miss Flannigan
- Miss Rea
- Miss Rodgers
- Mr Mackay
- Mr McCance
- Mr Moore
- Mrs Cleland
- Mrs Fulton-10
- Mrs Gault/Mrs Myles
- Mrs McDonald/Miss Foster
- Mrs McKinstry
- Mrs McWilliams
- Mrs Quinn
- Mrs Templeton/Mrs Curry
- Ms Lyness
- Nursery
- Nursery Gallery
- School Council
Carr's Glen Primary and Nursery School, 629 Oldpark Rd, Belfast BT14 6QX Phone: 028 9039 1286