Access Keys:

Carr's Glen Primary School and Nursery, 629 Oldpark Rd, Belfast


10th Sep 2024
Today, the pupils in Mrs Cleland’s Year 3s used lollipop sticks and string...
6th Sep 2024
Year 4 enjoyed their extra outdoor play in the sunshine, after working hard this...
6th Sep 2024
Welcome to Year 4! 
6th Sep 2024
Say hello to the boys and girls in P5! We have had a great start to the year!
5th Sep 2024
We loved our first visit to the library in Year 3. 
5th Sep 2024
Year 3 had great fun exploring patterns using the resources in the classroom. 
5th Sep 2024
The girls and boys in Mrs Cleland’s Year 3 were very excited to have their...
29th Aug 2024
Say hello to all the boys and girls in Year 3!